May I take a minute and tell you our story ?
My name is Pastor Steve Harmon. I am the pastor of Set Free Church – The Church in Your Mail.
Who is Set Free Church - The Church in your mail? We are a small group of people that believe Jesus is the Son of God, forgives sin and will cleanse YOU and US from ANY unrighteousness (SIN) (1 John 1:9).
Set Free Church – the Church in Your Mail was established to minister to those who are in prison as well as those who were in prison. The founders have a desire to fulfil the “Law of Christ” as it is found in Galatians Chapter 6 verses 1-4.
Our ministry is to persons who cannot attend a traditional service. We have designed a church that you attend “through the mail”. Set Free has some members who have never been incarcerated and obviously many who are or were, we meet every Sunday in the home of our Pastor Dr. Steve Harmon.
We pray over requests submitted by GTL, Jpay, Securus, or US Mail and Email. We believe prayer brings great results (James 5:16). Failing to pray for others is sin (1 Samuel 12:23). This help and support to others is expected.
We also share a written copy of the sermons as delivered by the pastor, these are mailed every month in a full color, 32 page, magazine format. This Newsletter is sent to any incarcerated person, free of charge. We also fellowship through the US Mail, Jpay, Securus, GTL or email.
People on the outside (not incarcerated) may request to receive the Newsletter monthly via email. Past Newsletters may be downloaded from this web site. –
We try to create a church experience with all the blessings of assembly for those who cannot physically attend as well as for those who can.
We consider your written communication via J pay, Gtl, Securus, Us Mail, or email to be "attendance", we keep attendance records and give invitations for visitors; we give invitations to accept Christ as personal Savior, be baptized, or join our membership, exactly like a traditional church, only it is done through the mail.
Some people struggle with the non-traditional aspects of this ministry but we challenge them to read Paul's words in 1 Corinthians 10 1- 4, God baptized Israel (he called them the Church in the wilderness in Acts 7: 38) in a cloud, years before Jesus died and rose again as payment for their sins and Ours. We point out that NO WHERE does God say that a Church is limited to meeting in a single place, a single building, or even physically together!
We believe the following as "Distinctives" of this ministry:
God forgives sin (I John 1:9), once the sin is forgiven, it no longer exists, it is no longer remembered (Hebrews 8:12). Our ministry is to help you overcome the burden of the sin you have committed and God has already forgiven (Galatians 6:1-2). Until that guilt is dealt with living a joyful life will be difficult. But God wants us to have joy unspeakable 1 Peter 1:8).
Our Goal is to respond to communication from you, with an Email, Jpay, Securus or GTL,