a Future
for People With a Past
Presenting a Future for People With a Past **
The Law of Christ - RESTORE your fallen brother
In Genesis Adam Fell and in Mathew Jesus came to restore Adams descendents …. in Galations 6 we are told that restoration is the Law of Christ
CHURCH ... In your Mail
Newsletter including written sermons are mailed monthly … We include Church announcements, recognitions, testimonies and strive to have Church in the Mail !
Prayer List
Prisoners and members message us with prayer requests. We pray over each request.
Bible Institute
We have thru the mail college level theological studies to help grow spiritually. These are mailed to the student and answers sent back, with certificates of completion provided.
Missions .....
Jesus said we are to be witnesses for Him in Jerusalem, Judaea, Samaria and the world beyond …. Would he say no to Mars ?
"The sermons changed my life, the church is the only letters I get, I have a family now"
"Pastor Steve has taught me so much"
"I am restored - Galations 6 "
My knowledge is growing daily and I want to share my knowledge with people
I look forward to the great message your church offers!
Pastor Steve, your sermons are truly a profound blessing for me, as well as to so many others here.
You have touched so many different people, and in so many different ways!
I just received your Sermon in the mail: That is sooooo Cool! It's like REAL Church!!!!
You are truly appreciated and making a difference. God is utilizing you as his torch and supernal radiance lights up and a glow is observed and seen within the dark crevices of this and many other prisons, Amen!
Hello I got your email from a flyer about prayer that I totally agreed with!
People like yourself are what give us incarcerated people hope to restart our lives and start fresh.
God is the best thing that has ever happened to me I mean life has truly been a blessing
Your sermons are a profound blessing to me, most especially at this point and time in my life. It's refreshing and spiritually uplifting to say the least.
I like the sermons I study them and pass them to the lost souls here in this prison!
I've been receiving the sermons and the revelation that I've received from them has been extremely helpful
This last sermon grabbed ahold of me strongly because I have been coming up against strongholds, but glory be to the father I have not been moved.
And my grandmother has been cleared of all cancer thanks to all the prayers that went to the lord for her
I wanna take the time to say thank you for the birthday card. That means a lot to me it is the only one I got.
my bunkie likes reading them after me
would like the introductory lesson "now that I'm saved, now what" .. If possible may I have one. I am building my relationship with god and I finally feel peace
You and God is the reason that i walk the walk on the right path Each and everyday and i been getting even better with my thoughts and my thinking and how i carry myself
I wanted to write and say thank you for the (sermon) letters. They came at the perfect time and really spoke to me.